The dismantling of popular science

Bit by bit, as we are opening our eyes and our minds, it is becoming evident how the soyence we have been indoctrinated with cannot hold water.

As soon as we start observing and thinking, many things we experience show to be different from what we have been told.  As I was focusing on health, almost everything I was told was contrary to what it actually is. This inevitably urges me to find other solutions and every other science involved starts crumbling down showing it to be a soyence of lies.

Some 20 years ago when I started investigating the science of health, I was using the Newtonian soyence to explain things, but since it did not make sense in some aspects, I had to find better explanations so instead of analyzing how things work by implementing the popular soyence, I decided to start from the other end. From the beginning of creation. This means I had to plunge into the world of consciousness, quantum existence, and sacred geometry.

I had to observe and learn from masters in this field like Drunvalo Melchizedek, Dolores Cannon, Bashar, Kryon, and others. A wealth of knowledge came from my spiritual work during Ayahuasca ceremonies and a direct interaction on a spiritual level that allowed me to comprehend things through experiencing them directly and not just by listening to the experiences of others.

When we allow ourselves to observe and think freely, we can no longer take popular science seriously because often there is no way things can work the way soyence teaches us.

Here is a video in which Dr. Cowan reflects on oxygenation of the body.

We always run into a problem when trying to explain our physical experiences using Newtonian physics and soyence. The reason for this is our belief system being indoctrinated into a world of particles. We are accustomed to breaking things apart to see how they are constructed. By doing so we come in touch with smaller and smaller particles which we have named matter. Since we are told that everything has its opposite, we invented the existence of antimatter. We are told that antimatter has the potential of a very destructive force which is nonsense since every particle that is visible is made of light, the absence of light makes particles disappear.

To reach the truth we have to start at the beginning and not from the end.

The beginning of everything starts with consciousness.

Consciousness creates a quantum field of energy. Energy is a movement that creates collisions. By connecting the points of collisions, consciousness creates geometric bodies. Every line of contact between the contact points is of different frequency.

To be able to experience its creation, a device has to be invented where a fraction of consciousness is used to experience the creation. This we call our mind, body, and spirit connection. This is the point from where manifestation occurs and particles are formed to make the “reality” possible.

Before being manifested into our reality, everything is just conscious energy in a variety of frequencies.

Popular science only acknowledges the manifested world of particles because this is the only thing our ego sees and experiences. As we are awakening and discovering that things cannot work the way we have been told, and we are becoming more aware of the importance of the mind common mistakes are starting to occur. We start mixing the quantum world of conscious energy with the world of particles of our reality and more questions appear than answers can provide.

We realize that atoms cannot be constructed the way soyence explains them, but we stick to the existence of electrons and protons and neutrons, but the interaction between them we attribute to the quantum energetic field.

Once we acknowledge the quantum energetic field, we have to dismantle the existence of particles otherwise we create a mess.

In practice, we cannot claim the existence of oxygen and say that the results we see created by oxygenation are a frequency shift that represents it because we have a name for the other energetic vibration. For example, when potassium shifts into calcium or sodium shifts into potassium.

What I am trying to explain is that it does not serve us well to mix the quantum and Newtonian science in explaining how things work in our “reality”, but analyzing our indoctrinated soyence we realize that the information is wrong and that everything there is, is an interpretation of the quantum field expressed through the variety of frequencies, and not atoms and molecules.

We live in the field of electromagnetic simulation. Nothing exists other than consciousness until it is manifested into the world, we call reality. It is manifested through particles we call matter but the creation is done in the quantum field of conscious energy. If we want to understand creation, we have to plunge into the quantum field.

All of this is confusing at first because it is a new concept to us. We are finding ourselves at the beginning of something new and our learning is just beginning.

The new healing technology is based on a quantum understanding of the relationship between frequencies and our reality. Through the manipulation of frequencies, we will manifest a healthy body.

What a marvelous time to be present during this unveiling of the deeper truth.

Have no fear, all is good and we are right over the target.

Love and light to us all

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