Raw food recipes

Cold avocado soup

foto crema de aguacate

Ingredients for 4 servings:
1 table spoon butter
½ cup onion (chopped)
½ green pepper (chopped)
6 table spoon cream cheese or yogurt
2 avocados
½ cup clean fresh coriander
1 cup full fat milk
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
Some coriander leaves for decoration


Put the butter to heat. Add the chopped onion and green pepper until onion become colored a pale gold.
Place the mixture in a blender and add the rest of the ingredients. Blend with the high speed.
Take the soup to the refrigerator for one hour. Serve placing on top some coriander leaves.

Beef Carpaccio

carpaccio x

For 4 servings:

200 grams beef tenderloin from the tip end of the roast
4 handfuls arugula or mixed greens
Shaved Parmesan

½ cup Extra Virgin olive oil
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
2 table spoon grated Parmesan
4 leaves of fresh basil (chopped)

Wrap the tenderloin in plastic wrap and place in the freezer for 2 hours.
After 2 hours, unwrap the tenderloin and thinly slice the beef into approximately into 1/8 to 1/4-inch pieces. Lay out sheets of plastic wrap and place each slice onto the plastic. Top with another piece of plastic and gently pound the meat with a meat mallet until paper thin. Repeat until all of the meat is sliced and pounded. Divide the meat evenly among 4 chilled plates. Serve with greens tossed with the olive oil, salt, pepper and Parmesan.

Steak Tartare

foto tartar dej

For 3 servings:

200 grams veal finely chopped
½ onion minced
6 or 7 small pickels
2 table spoons baby capers
In a bowl mix all the ingredients and reserve in the refrigerator.

For the dressing:
1 yolk egg
3 table spoons virgin olive oil
The juice of ½ lemon
Pinch cayenne pepper
1 table spoon Dijon mustard
Sea salt and black pepper to taste
Put all the ingredients into a bowl. Beat them with a fork until the seasonings are evenly blended.

Combine the dressing with the previous preparation. Top with parsley leaves finely chopped and olive oil. Serve cold.

Tuna Carpaccio with lime

foto tuna carpaccio blog

For 3 servings:

150 grams center cut tuna in one piece with dark meat removed

1 or 2 table spoons lemon juice

3 table spoons virgin olive oil

Pinch cayenne pepper or 1/2 jalapeno pepper finely chopped

Sea  salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Some capers and very thin slices of lemon

With a sharp knife, slice the tuna very thin. Place the slices on the plates. Do not allow the tuna slices to overlap.

In a bowl, blend the lime juice, olive oil, cayenne pepper or jalapeno, sea salt and black pepper. Spoon equal amount of the sauce over each serving plate. Arrange a lime slice and some capers on top. Cover the plates and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving. Add olive oil and serve.


Goat cheese salad

foto ensalada-queso-de-cabra-nueces-receta

For 3 servings:

1 small lettuce
½ cup walnuts
2 tomatoes in slices
180 grams. goat cheese

For the dressing:
Mix ½ cup virgin olive oil, 3 table spoons balsamic vinegar and sea salt to taste.

In a serving plate place the lettuce, continue with tomatoes, cheese and finish with the walnuts. Add the dressing and serve.


Tomatoes and avocado salad

foto ensalada de tomate y aguacate 2

For 3 servings:

1 big avocado in medium cubes

3 big tomatoes cutted in smaller cubes

1/2 onion finely chopped

Whole leaves fresh coriandre

For the dressing:

Mix 1/2 cup virgin olive oil, 3 table spoons apple cider vinegar, sea salt and black pepper to taste.

Combine the vegetables with the dressing and serve inmediately.



foto ceviche

For 3 servings:
300 grams white meat fish fillets
1 red onion
2 or 3 limes (fresh squeeze)
1 hot pepper to taste (jalapeno)
Fresh coriander
Freshly ground black pepper and sea salt to taste

Cut the fish into 2 centimeters cubes and put them in a glass container. Add the lime juice. The juice should cover the meat.
Cut the onion in thin strips, chop finely the hot pepper. Cut the coriander leaves with your hands and mix all the vegetables with the fish. Add the black pepper and sea salt to taste.
Marinate in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes. The color of the meat will turn to white; this means that the preparation is ready to be served.

Banana shake 

foto 2 m

For 1 serving:

3 bananas
2 fresh and raw eggs
2 tablespoons coconut oil
½ teaspoon vanilla extract (natural)
¼ cup water

Blend and drink immediately

Spinach Soup

Foto 1

For 2 servings:

3-4 cups fresh spinach
1 cup warm water
1 spoon onion poder
1 medium avocado
1 cup almond milk
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Sea salt to taste

Blend all the ingredients. Serve in a warm bowl.

Fresh mushrooms salad

Foto 3 champi

 For 2 servings:

1/2 lettuce cutted into bite-size pieces
8- Fresh mushrooms cutted in slices
2 tomatoes lengthwise in 8 parts
Parmesan cheese shaved into flakes

 Dressing: In a blender mix the following ingredients:

½ cup virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
fresh basil leaves finely chopped
sea salt and black pepper to taste.

Combine the vegetables in a bowl. Add the dressing and serve immediately

47 thoughts on “Raw food recipes”

  1. Re Beef Carpaccio .. I would think that plastic wrap would have a toxic component to it. Surely BPA and or any number of other chemicals would be released into the food.

    1. David when you use plastic in cold dark place as refrigerator BPA will not be a problem. You can get BPA free plastic as well.
      It is not necessary to wrap the meat but it makes it easier to cut it thin.

    2. I too have always been anti-clingfilm/plastic wrap. I prefer to use a baking parchment (unbleached, if possible.) It’s another option.
      Love the site/programs.

  2. I heard you talk about the banana shake on a recent radio show. It is fantastic, I have been eating it almost every morning. I use frozen bananas and you were right…it tastes like ice cream and sticks with me for hours. Thank you!

    1. I believe freezing bananas changes their sugars. If you freeze a guava it tastes like ice cream when you eat it afterwards. I use to have a guava tree in backyard that produced 500 guavas or more a season. I would sell them to the Chinese in my area.

    1. Joe I haven encounter a cook book to my taste. There are many out there, some better than others but none that I would recommend. My wife will be publishing some recipes as soon as she has some time to do so. Maybe she will write cook book.

  3. You seem to be against most herbs, but most of the ingredients on these receipts are herbs: lemon juice, spinach, coriander etc.So why these herbs are ok but black pepper is not? confusing

    1. Recepies also contain vegetables and they do not provide any nutrition in a raw form. Most vegetables have toxic proteins that they use for protection so using herbs with medicinal properties provides mild protection. All of it is not healthy but it is way healthier that the food we are used to eat.It is very difficult to switch to proper diet cold turkey. Gradual changes are easier to handle.

      1. What is the ultimate goal then, Darko? If the vegetables in these recipes don’t provide nutrition and contain toxic proteins in raw form, but are also bad when they’re cooked because of glucose (as you’ve mentioned in your other articles), what is one to do?

      2. Thanks Darko. I know that glucose is locked within the cellulose fibre and therefore we cannot access it, but how about the actual nutrients that plants offer? Is there any benefit at all from eating plants in raw form (a kale/spinach/fruit smoothie for instance), or is the cellulose preventing us from accessing the nutrients (enzymes, vitamins, minerals)? Your time is appreciated.

  4. Darko, if I’ve understood you correctly, you say that raw vegetables have toxins?? Can you explain why juicing of things like: spinach, kale, cucumber, carrot, apple, celery, ginger, etc. seems to have such a pick-me-up, and healing effect for most people?

    …I think I’m not understanding correctly somewhere!

    1. Not all of them but some like broccoli where the toxins is in the seed. Cucumber and tomato the same.
      All nutrients in raw vegetables are isolated by cellulose fiber and not accessible to our body. THERE IS SMALL AMOUNT OF GLUCOSE, ENZYMES AND VITAMINS IN THE JUICE SO JUICING HAS MORE VALUE.

  5. Dr. Velcek,, could you speak about coffee enemas. Do they really clean the liver and the gall bladder. Are enemas good and useful as a regular routine. Also unrelated.. would you speak about marijuana. Smoking is very bad, yes; but what about oral consumption?

    1. Tia every time one does something forcing the body to respond is poisoning it. We have two options. Eat wrong and use toxic methods to eliminate cumulative toxicity or have propper diet where bdy cleanses naturally and no remedies are necessary. I will address this issues in the future.

  6. Your recipes taken as a whole might not be suitable for those of us who need some (moderate quantity of) heavy carbs to deal with our cold, almost 4-month winters, especially where we have to do some outdoor labor, such as myself. My parents also did hard work for decades and believe me they could not have coped without porridge most mornings. It kept all of us going for hours.

    Not all of us can escape to the tropics or semitropics. Some complex carb (fermented bread, rice, millet, buckwheat, etc.) is part of my ancestry and while, scientifically speaking, it may be harmful in some sense, our northern, western or eastern European cultures also developed forms of medicine over the millenia to deal with that. You might describe them as “using toxic methods to eliminate cumulative toxicity”, but that’s the way of the world. “Spring cleansing” (herbs, tonics or outright purges) was part of the picture. Some people benefit from “forcing” and others cannot cope with them. I’d appreciate your opinions.

    I understand your principles, though. Some people just cannot handle any heavy carb, especially grain, and do well with your above kind of regimen.

    1. What is the source of calories in carbohydrate diet is starch-glucose. Glucose is reason of premature aging and all chronic diseases. Way better energy is coming from animal fat and protein which does not change genetic expression and the body remains resistant to diseases and ages slowly.
      Read my book.

  7. I would like to read your book if it deals with the issue of some people, no matter how good their intentions and efforts, being unable to adopt a diet that their ancestors have not consumed after 10,000 BC. We all of us have a genetic-biological-cultural/religious-ethnic history and it must not be ignored. Those who can, are blessed. The rest of us, well…

    Polite question, no hostility.


    1. I am never hostile. I am trying to answer questions as clearly as possible but we cannot talk about my views on diet if you do not understand how I came to the conclusion of what is our natural diet. It is not possible for human body not to thrive on its natural diet and that goes for every single human no matter where on this planet he or she lives. The misunderstanding comes from those that quit as soon as detox starts because it is uncomfortable. Our cells have to rearrange genetic activity that was messed up by the wrong food and this adjustment gives us a hard time. Once this is over everything changes in our body and we heal.

  8. Er…I didn’t say you would be hostile. LOL. I can see that. I meant I wasn’t being hostile or looking for a fight. Sometimes debaters are sincere. I have a dog in this fight, though, and I own up to it, namely, the idea that appropriate diet or not, it is not always about how well you eat according to your ideas, because Life can interfere with availability of, or access to, the right food. Then what do we do?! The Hand of God at work, directing us always toward his purposes for our development.

    Also, have you ever seen where people do exceptionally well on this or that diet – including, but not restricted to your kind – and then they turn around for the worse, after several years?

    I do not think there is “one natural diet”, I really don’t. I’ll have to save up for your intriguing book to see why you have come to this conclusion. Maybe I can get my progeny to buy it for my birthday! I hope so.

    There may be a one right diet, but it requires that all other things be in place, that we might have access to it. Since you are in that situation, you are very, very fortunate. Also, I wonder if you took a sample of, say, 1,000 intelligent persons who had read your book, even read it again & again, and only a few decided to follow its reasoning and advice – why should this be so? Why did you “get it” and other folks not?

    Steak? Veal? Tuna? Goat cheese? Fresh tropical vegetables all year round?

    P.S. Fresh coriander is what in far eastern dietetics is called a Hot energy. And I can see why: it is used to detoxify mercury and other things, ie, draw them out of your cells. In anything but small quantities it can make you feel horrid. It grows in my garden but I have learned to not touch it. The dry seed, however, is respected in the ayurvedic tradition for good reason.

    I’ll not bother you again on this until I get your book. Thanks so much for graciously indulging me.

  9. Hi Darko, Your book is fantastic. We’ve been on the protocol for one month. We have done many different diets and so many natural remedies of using garlic and cleanses that still poison the body through the years. We thank you so much for your research and then sharing that with us! But why we wanted to leave a comment regarding himalayan salt. You were the first person we ever heard saying about the dangers of that salt including when you told the story about Marco Polo where the people said if they ate their own salt they would get sick. Well this leads us to the popularity of Himalayan Salt lamps! The lamps are promoted everywhere. We had 4! We do not have children but they are heavily advertised for nursery use. They are supposed to clean the air with negative ions. In fact the lamps are on the cover of Bed Bath and Beyond catalogue this month! But now we feel like it would not be healthy to breath in high levels of barium, bromine and fluoride, We threw ours out and now use crystals for cleansing the air. If we are correct that the lamps are not a good idea, you might want to include it on one of your shows because tons and tons of people we know use them. The lamps are super popular. Thanks again Darko!

    1. Brita, thank you for your comment. Although Himalayan sediment salt is toxic I do not think that those lamps will do much harm because they last long time. But you are correct, using crystals to clean environment is way more effective and you can put into crystal all kinds of frequencies (thoughts) to do much more than to clean the environment. Love and light

  10. Thank you Darko for your response. We are new to crystals. The last few years we started wearing stones and crystal jewelry, but we didn’t understand the power of frequencies and thoughts. To be honest we just chose them because we liked how they looked. Your book has opened a whole new world for us. We have researched thousands of hours of natural remedies over the last 10 years concentrating on supplements and cleanses, but your book and protocol is so different. We’ve been dead broke because of all the money on supplements! Your protocol is so refreshing, very inexpensive, life saving and so peaceful! The hardest supplements for us to let go of has been MSM and collagen. But we have stopped everything so it won’t interfere with the protocol. We do have one more question and that’s about essential oils. We haven’t seen anything mentioned about those. Seems like essential oils could have large amounts of cellulose, at least in the herb oils like basil, oregano, thyme etc. Citrus oils might be best. But we have used a lot of frankincense oils too. So wondering about what you think of essential oils. We make our own lotion and toothpaste with essential oils added. Would it be safe to diffuse or use topically during the protocol. But then again this protocol is a life long way of eating and living, so we need to know what your opinion is on essential oils overall. One more thing, we listened to one podcast where a girl asked you about adding lemon or citrus to the salt water drink for flavor. Did you try that out as well?

    The banana drink in the morning is amazing! You can go for hours on it. It’s amazing and taste great. We are full time singers and are in a band. We used to drink tons and tons of water even having water on stage. Now we can do a show without a water bottle, so the salt water is so hydrating for us. We notice a huge difference. It’s hard to go for raw meat, but we did try raw liver. We are using the recipes. Thanks again. All the best.

  11. Britta essential oils are great. You have to look at them as a frequency. They bring their frequency that can influence your body to do changes on cellular level but you have to be sure what frequency you want to stimulate. So if you are not sure, do not do it. Usually if it feels good, it is good frequency. Remember that this is also interference with normal cellular frequency and it has medicinal (therapeutic) effect. Souse them carefully. Read my articles on Frequency so you understand it better.
    Now with your experience please do not keep it for yourselves. Share it with as many people you can so they benefit from this knowledge as well. Love and light.

  12. Hi Darko, I have another question about coconut oil. There are all these types out there. Extra virgin oil, virgin oil, cold pressed, raw? in your opinion what is the best type? We’ve seen raw coconut oil as both extra virgin and virgin. So trying to figure out the sales pitch to all. Thanks so much!

  13. One more thing….would there be any harm if we added fruit to the banana shake? Like add a handful of blueberries or something to it. Wondering since we have it everyday if we could change the flavor a bit.

  14. I am a bit confused. I read that carbs are not so good, especially glucose, like from starch. Bananas have lots of carbs, I think starch too. So, are bananas fine to eat then?

    1. Devin hi.
      We are fed partial information and this causes confusion. The food changes its characteristics after it was exposed to the heat. The food changes its smell, texture and taste. It is not what it was before. This is why you cannot compare the usable caloric values of raw and heat treated foods. Read my book The Resonance Of Nutrition. Here everything is explained. https://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/darkos-book?iframe=true&theme_preview=true love and light

  15. I’m confused. I keep reading that carbs are bad because of glucose, and bananas have lots of carbs and starches. So, are bananas a safe carbohydrate since you have 3 of them in your shake?

    1. Hey darko, I messaged you back and forth quite a bit a few months back. I do still play on ordering your books, but right now money is tight. Could you answer Devin’s question for the both of us please?

      1. Taylor you have all the answers in my articles. Raw fruits and vegetables have their carbs hidden behind the membrane of cellulose so since we cannot digest cellulose, we have no access to those sugars. To get to the sugars, the vegetables and fruits have t be processed or heat treated. This means that the raw bananas give you absolutely no energy so you can eat as many of them as you want.

  16. Hey Darko, how’s life been treating you?! Could you please email me helping me better understand this comment you made a few months back? “There is no real benefit because everything is locked within the cellulose fibre. Only small amount is in the juice that supplies the plant.” Thanks in advance!! Still Loving the articles

  17. Im eager to try this protocol. I have terrible anxiety and nothing is working. Im curious about banana shake and sea salt, I have irritable bowel syndrome so would the thick banana shake cause me issues in the beginning? Or the salt water. Even coconut and lemon water makes me run to the bathroom.

  18. I will be ordering your books soon, but I have a question now that needs cleared up. In the banana shake, do these need to be green, unripe bananas. The picture shows ripe, yellow bananas. My understanding was that green bananas have resistant starch – but I understand you are saying that the body doesn’t access the carbs in fruit because of the cellulose. So does it matter whether it is a green or yellow banana.

    1. Becky, in my books I explain that we should never eat green unripe fruits. They are all toxic.
      There is no such a thing as resistant starch or dietary fibre. I explain this in some of my articles and in the book on nutrition.
      There are natural carbohydrates and processed carbohydrates. Cooking is a form of processing. Such carbohydrates I refer to as the dietary carbohydrates. Love and light.

  19. Thank you. I WILL be getting your books. I also am trying to play “catch-up” on all the archived articles as well as staying up with your latest posts. And to think I was checking the web on how to peel unripe bananas – which isn’t easy. While reading some of your articles after posting my question, I realized your are talking about raw bananas vs. cooked bananas – not ripe vs. unripe. Could not see the forest for the trees. “Forget the experts” will be my mantra.

    1. I understand that it is a lot to absorb and it is really difficult to ignore and forget things that we were force to memorize the whole life. Thank you for having the strength an giving it a try sister.

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