Month: January 2017

What will detoxify the body better? DISTILLED WATER OR WATER WITH SEA SALT IN IT???

  Many people are asking me this question and general opinion is that distilled water does better job when detoxifying our body is in question than any other type of water. Why do “experts” think that distilled water will do better job in the detox. process? We know that water has a great capacity of …

What will detoxify the body better? DISTILLED WATER OR WATER WITH SEA SALT IN IT??? Read More »


My friend Yahiko has send me this video that talks about the complexity of genetic influence on cancer. The message of this video is actually an explanation why cancer cure has not been found yet and why so much time and money is spend in researching the cancer with no cure in sight. [youtube] …


2017, the year of change. IS HUMANITY READY ?

Is humanity ready for change? This is a question. For me this is hard to believe while looking at articles like this one from Stanford at The Tech, understanding genetics; “ or this one from Live science; “” It looks to me that until the old programmed “scientists” are in charge, there cannot be change. …

2017, the year of change. IS HUMANITY READY ? Read More »