Month: July 2018

WE EAT THE SAME KIND OF FOOD Why do I have all of these health issues and my grandparents do not?

There is one remark which I hear over and over again which is, “why am I sick and no one in my family has these problems? We eat the same foods so how can it be the food?” I decided to address this question in this blog to make it more understandable. I will start …

WE EAT THE SAME KIND OF FOOD Why do I have all of these health issues and my grandparents do not? Read More »


We often have a tendency to attribute the worsening of our health to the aging process. There is no difference when it comes to the loss of our hair. When you express your concern about your hair-loss and you are over thirty years old male, “this is normal” will be the response of your trusted …

HAIR LOSS Read More »


Back pain has become the most common problem of a middle age human, especially in the urban settings. Same as with other health issues, the back-pain is starting to affect younger and younger people. There are various things that could be influencing this pain and different parts of the back can be affected. I am …

BACK PAIN Read More »