Month: June 2018

"Food as medicine" programs are on the rise. Is the medical system experiencing a change of heart?

“Food as medicine” programs are on the rise. Is the medical system experiencing a change of heart? From the ancient times, Hippocrates was telling us that our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food but no one had listened. Instead, if a discomfort comes after we ingest something that our …

"Food as medicine" programs are on the rise. Is the medical system experiencing a change of heart? Read More »


Kidney health-related issues are becoming a great and very lucrative business. It seems that as the medical science is creating miraculous diagnostic equipment, all of the diseases humanity is suffering from are accelerating and more and more people are diagnosed having a sickness of one kind or the another. Unfortunately, this new diagnostic equipment is …


Indoctrination + Faulty science + Enforcement through licensing = Chaos and disaster for humanity.

The one thing I loved when I came to the United States of America was the freedom to work. This may sound crazy but here is the thing. In Yugoslavia and the rest of Europe, the humanity was enslaved way more than in the USA. The licensing in Europe was and still is something that …

Indoctrination + Faulty science + Enforcement through licensing = Chaos and disaster for humanity. Read More »

What is happening with the First lady? Is Melania doing great?

Those are the most important questions major media is elaborating on. I guess, nothing more important is going on in the world at this moment since Trump’s collusion with the Russians finally feathered away. Usually, people which are used being in the public eye are eager to show themselves to the public but there is …

What is happening with the First lady? Is Melania doing great? Read More »