Month: November 2015

PERU November 2015

As my work in Peru continues I have realized that the most common health problems in young people are diabetes and digestive problems. Stomach pain, noisy digestion, diarrhea or constipation often follow the “di-agnosis” (two not knowing) of leaky guts, Krone’s disease, gastritis or gastroenteritis or whatever other label was given to the poor sufferer. …

PERU November 2015 Read More »

Losing Patient

As I have told you many times, we are manipulated in science and in every other aspect of our lives and the biggest swindle is in the language that we speak. We can understand the correct meaning if we dissect the words. For example medicine- “med-i-sin” is way more correct expression. diagnossis-“di in Greek means …

Losing Patient Read More »