

Peter K.

Here’s my story, hoping that it may help others:
I am 50 yo and even though I’ve been cutting out carbs for nearly 20 years, I could never take the plunge and cut them out completely until I stumbled on Darko’s blog. Even then it would take me almost 2 years before I finally did it. However, I started drinking salty water back then and still do so, pretty liberally now, I must add. I’ll go through 500g of Celtic Salt in a month. I must also admit that I haven’t implemented the protocol strictly since I still have a coffee or two and half the time I cook my meat, but I am very strict about no carbs. I love the idea of a shake with raw egg and banana and this makes for a nice quick meal. However, the main thing is that I’ve never felt better and right now I think that I never will go back to eating carbs. I eat a lot of saturated fats and was finally able to put on some weight as I was on a light side for the past 20 years or so. And to make things better, it is not fat I put on but muscle (with a bot of help from resistance and high intensity training). My blood pressure is 120/75 and resting heart rate in the fifties. All my friends think that I avoid salt… ha 🙂
Some other benefits of this lifestyle are: having constant energy levels regardless of amount of sleep or time between meals,no hunger pangs, going weak or headaches, improved immune system (noticeable difference) and above all, my lactose intolerance has disappeared! I can now eat as much cheese as I want to 🙂 Thanks Darko!
Peter K,

Oh, almost forgot. My desire for alcohol has also decreased – so much that if I buy 6 beers, I still have 5 in the fridge 3 months later…

25th of August 2018


Updated 26 July 2014

To whom ever my little story may be of  help

It was less than a year ago I  came to a cross road in my life and I had to make some important decisions…
although I was a professional diver for some of my life and did a fair amount of exercise I have been  a diabetic for many years  to the point that I had to inject a lot of insulin to keep my blood sugar level if not controlled but at least at a reasonable level……at the same time i took blood pressure tablets and meds for the control of cholesterol…a work  accident ,a broken wrist, badly repaired, re-broken to repair again , kept me idle for a year …my weight from 75 kg went to 85 kg (obviously ,lack of exercise )sent my blood sugars sky high and increased my insulin intake even more…
the increased weight and a herniated stomach wall resulted in an emergency operation for a strangulated bowl….. 3 weeks in hospital removal of the herniated stomach wall, forced  me to stop smoking after 50 years of chain smoking…my weight went to 98 kg ….I’m now 65 years old and a mess….
I cant get up from the floor without help… I cant walk 50 meters without sitting down for a rest ..I’m injecting crazy amounts of insulin…..doubled up on blood pressure tablets and take a hand full of other meds every morning……

it was around this time I met Dr darko velcek, a retired veterinarian that spent most of his life researching alternate ways to get and stay healthy…food intake and other things that effect your health and your  life …he wrote a book  summarizing his findings……. it was he that influenced  the change in my life…
and it was a huge change ,a change of life style, rather than  a diet..

at first I thought the guy is gone a bit crazy…told me to stop my medication eat row food and drink water with sea salt .stop eating bread  ,pasta ,flour ,rice ,  potatoes…. everything I lived on and loved all my life…no beer  no alcohol …i told him …i may as well die…..his answer “sure , but you have a choice and  choice is yours”
truth be told ,i was not ready to die,or be in a wheelchair and a burden to my also ailing wife..
so I took his option  and today, I’m more alive than I was 20 years ago…

today at 67 years of age  I  cut out most of my medication(blood pressure tablets ,cholesterol tablets  ,and all but a daily diabetic  tablet )
,i even  stopped injecting insulin…. my blood sugar is fairly controlled ….my   weight has been steady at 75 kg for 4 month now..I’m walking and exercising 30 minutes a day and drink about 3 liters of salt water a day
I lost 25 kg in seven month and I feel years younger….

I still don’t believe in all Dr darkos theories, but then I’m and always have been a skeptic .
In all I owe Dr darko and his wife hilnoret a giant vote of gratitude , for their research and the motivation they have given me.
If you need to ask him for help …drop him a mail..
darko velcek <darko.vlck@gmail.com

if you want to get in touch with me my name is michael glatz  e- shrimpysxm@gmail.com
marigot  saint martin….fr west indies

michael glatz
saint martin
french west indies
my e mail shrimpysxm@gmail.com



Updated 5th March 2014

My Experience with Dr. Darko’s Protocol

 I have been using Dr. Darko’s protocol since May 2011 for 5 months on a daily basis and since once a week. I followed it scrupulously and it has changed my life as I had to change my eating habits. I have observed many improvements in my health: end of headaches, of arthritis pains in my fingers, insomnia. I also stop using supplements as I changed my diet.. I worry less. I feel that my stress level has lowered. . I am very pleased with the results.

For exactly a year now since May 2012, I have developed my own raw food meals, by preparing a dish of 5 vegetables and two fruits, although I used at least 3 more fruits per day separately for breakfast or at dinner. My fruit/vegetable dish is used for the major meal everyday over 4 consecutive days. I do a liquid fast on Fridays and once a month I do a longer fast. I started this month with 2 days consecutively, Friday and Saturday.

I enjoy the banana shake [a blend of 3 bananas, 2 eggs, powdered milk, vanilla, coconut oil and ice cubes]. It makes a good breakfast. Besides, I have my fish (tuna, salmon, snapper), I bake natural chicken and I learned from Dr. Darko that animal fat is good for the brain cells. So I will add pork to my diet. I use much butter, and any other side ingredients  advised in the protocol. I have started to use the magnetic pulser. It removes most pains in my body almost instantly. I have lost from six to ten pounds. The extra fat on my chin, neck, arms and belly is surely disappearing.

Daniella JEFFRY, Island of St. Martin 22.05.2013


Testimonial from Charles

Good news is that though Mary was resistant in losing weight for 9 years,
weight loss was so gradual and easy. She had no hunger pangs. She even
eats whole milk yogurt with me in our smoothies and bowl. We believe your
coconut oil fat concept as well as the sea salt.

Thanks so much! She is happy about that!
Charles (and Mary)


Testimonial from Zoran P.Poštovani Darko,

Sad ću ti opisati o sestri kako je tekao proces u vezi dobijanja šećera.
Jedno vrijeme je osjećala žeđ,zamor i veliku želju za slatkim i poslije toga pošla je da izvadi nalaze.Kad je izvadila nalaze našli su joj šećer 25.Sjutra dan su je uputili u bolnicu na odjeljenje i odma su joj uključili inzulin.Davala je 4 puta inzulin na dan.Preko 40 jedinica inzulina sporodjelujućeg i brzodjelujućeg.Bila je u bolnicu 10 dana  i doktor joj je rekao da mora da shvati da prima inzulin,a drugi je govorio da bi možda mogla da uzima tablete.U toku bolničkog liječenja mi smo razgovarali sa roditeljima da primijeni tvoj protokol u svemu,ali kad su rekli  medicinskoj sestri glavnoj da će da donesu hranu ona se usprotivila i rekla da ne dolaze u obzir.Čak ni roditelji nisu bili da se suprostave sestri i doktorima da prihvati to.Mi smo sačekali kad je izašla iz bolnice i pošli kod njih u posjetu i čitav dan poslije podne ubjeđivali više nju  i njene da proba da ne može ništa da izgubi samo da dobije.Nagovorili smo ih da sjutradan počne sa primjenom.Da u toku dana skida po 2 jedinice kad vidi da joj je manji šećer.Već poslije par dana uzimanja hrane vidjela je da se osjeća bolje i onda je još više počela da prihvata protokol.Za 10 dana došla je na 4 jedinice inzulina,ali je imala strah šta će reći doktor,da li bez njegovog znanja smije da i to makne.Nagovorili smo je i da pirstane sa tim i za 2 dana je već bila bez inzulina.Od tada ima preko mjesec dana što nije uopšte uzimala inzulin.Kad je pošla na kontrolu kod doktora rekla je da ne uzima inzulin,on joj je rekao da je dobro napravila,ali ovaj period i ja sam mislio da će doći medenij mjesec,tako oni to zovu kod nas.Taj izvjesni period znači da je bez inzulina.Sada joj se šećer kreće ujutro od 6,2 do 8,5.U toku dana od prilike slično joj se kreće.Nagovorili smo je i da poruči ovaj pulser ako sam nešto zaboravio ti ćeš mi reći.Pozdrav Zoran
  Testimonial from Geisha V.
Mi nombre es Geisha Vásquez. Mi hija, Patricia Andrea Obando Vásquez,nació con espina bífida y fue diagnosticada con Acidosis Tubular D

istal un poco antes de cumplir 3 meses de edad. Para su tratamiento  le prescribieron Citrato de Potasio al 10%, al principio en bajas cantidades y mientras fue creciendo fueron subiendo las dosis.  Llegó a tomarlo 3 veces al día. Este tratamiento afectaba sus riñones. Su sueño era intermitente, casi no dormía (durante sus primeros dos años y medio su sueño era intermitente (apenas dormía 20 minutos y se despertaba).  Neurológicamente también estaba afectada.

Desde muy pequeña fue tratada  con diferentes especialistas, fisioterapias, terapistas ocupacionales, psicopedagogas, etc.Todo era impredecible con Patricia, fiebres, vómitos, diarreas eran una constante. Había que salir corriendo para el médico por una cosa o por otra.

En el  2010 el Dr. Darko Velcek me hablo sobre su innovador tratamiento. Al escuchar sus explicaciones y al considerar que durante tantos años de tratamiento médico mi hija no superaba sus problemas de salud,  no dudé en tomar la decisión de dejar de administrar el medicamento a Patricia y probar. Seguí el Protocolo al pie de la letra  y empecé a colocarle el electro estimulador (Pulser).  Al  principio fue duro para mí y para ella. Patricia vomitaba, le daba fiebre, diarrea. El Dr. Velcek  me explicaba que ello era parte de su proceso de desintoxicación, que tuviera paciencia.  Al pasar de los meses fue mejorando y todos los trastornos fueron desapareciendo. Las pruebas de laboratorio arrojaban resultados cada vez mejores. Hoy Patricia tiene 15 años,  está en 4to año de bachillerato con muy buenas notas, habiendo superado todo  con mucho amor, gratitud y dedicación. Muchas gracias. Espero que este relato ayude a muchas personas. Tengan mucha fe y confianza. Dios los bendiga!

Geisha Vásquez

Isla de Margarita. Venezuela

Marzo, 2.014



11 thoughts on “Testimonials”

  1. Poštovani Darko,
    Sad ću ti opisati o sestri kako je tekao proces u vezi dobijanja šećera.
    Jedno vrijeme je osjećala žeđ,zamor i veliku želju za slatkim i poslije toga pošla je da izvadi nalaze.Kad je izvadila nalaze našli su joj šećer 25.Sjutra dan su je uputili u bolnicu na odjeljenje i odma su joj uključili inzulin.Davala je 4 puta inzulin na dan.Preko 40 jedinica inzulina sporodjelujućeg i brzodjelujućeg.Bila je u bolnicu 10 dana i doktor joj je rekao da mora da shvati da prima inzulin,a drugi je govorio da bi možda mogla da uzima tablete.U toku bolničkog liječenja mi smo razgovarali sa roditeljima da primijeni tvoj protokol u svemu,ali kad su rekli medicinskoj sestri glavnoj da će da donesu hranu ona se usprotivila i rekla da ne dolaze u obzir.Čak ni roditelji nisu bili da se suprostave sestri i doktorima da prihvati to.Mi smo sačekali kad je izašla iz bolnice i pošli kod njih u posjetu i čitav dan poslije podne ubjeđivali više nju i njene da proba da ne može ništa da izgubi samo da dobije.Nagovorili smo ih da sjutradan počne sa primjenom.Da u toku dana skida po 2 jedinice kad vidi da joj je manji šećer.Već poslije par dana uzimanja hrane vidjela je da se osjeća bolje i onda je još više počela da prihvata protokol.Za 10 dana došla je na 4 jedinice inzulina,ali je imala strah šta će reći doktor,da li bez njegovog znanja smije da i to makne.Nagovorili smo je i da pirstane sa tim i za 2 dana je već bila bez inzulina.Od tada ima preko mjesec dana što nije uopšte uzimala inzulin.Kad je pošla na kontrolu kod doktora rekla je da ne uzima inzulin,on joj je rekao da je dobro napravila,ali ovaj period i ja sam mislio da će doći medenij mjesec,tako oni to zovu kod nas.Taj izvjesni period znači da je bez inzulina.Sada joj se šećer kreće ujutro od 6,2 do 8,5.U toku dana od prilike slično joj se kreće.Nagovorili smo je i da poruči ovaj pulser ako sam nešto zaboravio ti ćeš mi reći.Pozdrav Zoran

    1. Dear Darko,
      Now I will tell you about her sister how the process regarding obtaining sugar.
      One time she felt thirst, fatigue and a great desire for sweets and after that she went to pull nalaze.Kad took out there they found her sugar 25.Sjutra day they went to the hospital on the department and immediately her turn inzulin.Davala 4 times the insulin dan.Preko 40 units of insulin sporodjelujućeg and brzodjelujućeg.Bila to the hospital 10 days and the doctor told her that she must realize that receiving insulin, and the other was saying that she might be able to take tablete.U during hospitalization we are speak with parents to apply your protocol in all, but when they said that the main nurse will bring food she objected and told not to come in obzir.Čak nor parents were not to oppose the nurse and doctors to accept to.Mi we waited as she left the hospital and went with them to visit and all day afternoon assured me over her and her to try to not be nothing to lose only dobije.Nagovorili we them next day starts with primjenom.Da a day off per 2 unit when he sees that she is smaller šećer.Već after a couple of days eating, she saw that he feels better and then it is even more began to accept protokol.Za 10 days came to 4 units of insulin, but she was afraid of what will tell the doctor, if without his knowledge and that it must makne.Nagovorili we have is that pirstane with it and for two days was already without inzulina.Od then there are more than one month, which is not at all taken inzulin.Kad was going to control the doctor said that does not take insulin, he told her that it is well made, but this period and I thought it would come Madani month, so they call in nas.Taj certain period means that no inzulina.Sada her sugar moves from the morning 6.2 to 8,5.U the day of opportunities like her kreće.Nagovorili we have is that saying this pulser if I forget something you’re going to reći.Pozdrav Zoran

  2. Mi nombre es Yumari Tovar. Venezolana de 40 años de edad. A los 30 años aproximadamente comence a sufrir de mucha stress, agotamiento fisico debido a mucha actividad laboral y poco ejercicio fisico. Fume durante 15 años. Empece a padecer del corazon, me realice una serie de estudios Ecocardiogramas, Prueba de esfuerzo cardiopulmonar, entre otros examenes que determinaron que tenia un tipo de Arritmia Cardiaca supra ventricular, un prolapso en la valvula mitral del corazon y un bloque de la rama izquierda. Mi salud estaba cada dia deteriorandose. Un Medico cardiologo me medico Propranolol de 20mg empece con el tratamiento y nada de mejoria. Cada dia era peor. Ya que me aumentaron la dosis en 5 añois y llegue a tomar hasta 160mg por dia. No podia subir escaleras porque el cansancio era extremo. Hasta que un buen dia Hilnoretna y Darko me hablaron de mi alimentacion, la vida que llevaba, el efecto de los medicamentos en mi cuerpo etc. Rompi con todo ese esquema medico. Y me propuse tener una mejor calidad de vida y curar mi cuerpo y mi mente. Y por supuesto mi corazon!. Gracias a dios y a mi y a ellos. mi vida cambio. Toda la vida les agradecere todo este aprendizaje. Deje completamente de fumar, cambie mi dieta alimenticia, voy a caminar. Ya no tengo medicacion, uso mi PULSER, tomo mi agua con sal marina todos los dias y soy muy feliz!. les garantizo q jamas me imagine que iba a dejar el cigarrillo como lo logre hacer. Prueben usar todos los recursos naturales alimenticios que tenemos. Sanense en vida y compren el PULSER cambiara por completo sus vidas. Mil gracias Darko! y Hilnoretna. dios les bendiga! y puedan ayudar a muchisima gente que como yo los necesita. Besos los amo!. Tambien yo en Venezuela sigo transmitiendo estos conocimientos.

    1. yumari Tovar
      July 2, 2014 @ 9:51 pm

      My name is Yumari Tovar. Venezuela 40 years old. After 30 years or so I began to suffer much stress, physical exhaustion due to high work activity and little physical exercise. Smoke for 15 years. I started to suffer from heart, I perform a series of studies Echocardiograms, Cardiopulmonary exercise testing, including tests that determined he had a kind of supra ventricular Cardiac Arrhythmia, a prolapsed mitral valve of the heart and left bundle branch block. My health was deteriorating, every day. A cardiologist Medical Propranolol 20mg I started medical treatment and no gains. Each day was worse. Since I increased the dose over 5 Anois and get to take up to 160mg per day. I could not climb stairs because tiredness was extreme. Until one day Hilnoretna and Darko told me my food, the life he led, the effect of drugs in my body etc. Broke with all that medical scheme. And I decided to have a better quality of life and heal my body and my mind. And of course my heart !. Thanks to God and to me and to them. my life changed. All life agradecere them all this learning. Stop smoking completely, change my diet, I’ll walk. I have no medication, I use my PULSER, I take my water with sea salt every day and I am very happy !. I guarantee q never imagined I was going to quit as it achieves do. Try using all natural food resources we have. Sanense in life and buy the PULSER completely changed their lives. Thanks Darko! and Hilnoretna. God bless you! and can help a lot of people like me who need them. Love kisses !. I’m also in Venezuela transmitting this knowledge.

  3. February 10, 2015 @ 2:34 pm

    I read Darko’s Manual and immediately knew that this Protocol made perfect sense to me so I contacted Darko for a consultation. I started the protocol on December 28, 2014. If I shared my last 45 days with you, you would find it difficult to believe so I will just give you a brief summary of the MAJOR happenings.

    I had been on Thyroid medicine for 15 years after having my Thyroid removed due to what the medical profession called radiation poisoning. At 18 days in to my new way of living, I stopped my medicine and am in the process of growing back my Thyroid with very few side effects.

    I was on a pain patch for 7 years that is 81 times stronger than Morphine. I had tried to get off the patch several times but the result was the unbearable return of the pain that I had lived with for 8 years prior to that. After doing the Celtic Sea Salt and Darko Drink for only 5 days, I removed the patch. I experienced no drug withdrawals and was PAIN FREE for the first time in 15 years.

    I was also on blood pressure medicine for about 5 years. I stopped that the very first day and stopped smoking and drinking coffee with no side effects. My blood pressure is perfect.

    So, that is just part of this miraculous journey. As Darko says, “It is all about KNOWLEDGE” and that is what he is doing for the human race.

    So, with much GRATITUDE in my heart, I say thank you, Darko and thank you, Hilno for sharing your husband with all of us.

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  5. I hope that this will change soon as peopls consciousness increases. I am ow clearing this garbage, brother.

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