Month: June 2022

Athlete’s foot and advertising

Nothing bugs me more than advertising, especially the bait and switch type. Here is one example of the annoying fraudulent shpiel The advertisement was “Why Tea Tree Oil Makes Fungus Impossible To Kill” They do not give you this in writing. Instead, they put you in a pain-staking video of several minutes giving you …

Athlete’s foot and advertising Read More »

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) and hair loss

I have just received a video from my friend Peter with this note: “here’s some material for you”: Since Peter follows my work, he is well aware of health problems and their causes so when listening to something that makes no sense, he gets it right away. This is why he knew that this …

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) and hair loss Read More »

False masters

I am receiving invitations to listen and learn from all kinds of experts so this time, I am exposing health expert John Robbins to everyone searching for health that may stumble onto his page called the Food revolution NETWORK. John is holding now a food masterclass through which he is instructing his followers to eat …

False masters Read More »