Testimonial: Ann Henderson, UK. Stage 4 cancer. ” In just one hour consultation with Dr Darko on  Skype,  I learnt more about my  body and cancer than countless years of visits to Specialists and different clinics and So called experts over the past 7 years”. With just basic household items I could make radical changes to my health within the first consultation, I am truly amazed to find we are able to access these people.  June 2013.
Please go to the Contact form on the contact tab on this site to request for a consultation with me or contact me through e-mail darko.vlck@gmail.com.
No matter what illness you may think you may have I strongly urge you to read my Book.
Consultations take on history and evaluation upon which I will then explain the problem and give you the protocol of diet and treatment.
First consultation if by Skype or phone can normally take 1:30-2 hours hours, please ensure that you are in an undisturbed environment and be ready to take notes during the evaluation/ protocol phase.
         If Skype or telephone is not practical we can do the consultation through E-mail as well.Â
Your First Consultation will have a recommended contribution of 200.00 Euros or 200.00 $ us. which can be paid to my Paypal account.
I will be following your healing process without additional charges but open for donations.
I am in no position to refuse anyone wishing to regain their own health due to lack of funds, please be opened about this in your inquiry.
Paypal Details: Click on Logo to go to my Paypal details:
Love and Light,
Dr. Darko hi!
Your blog is very good.
Hi Darko, I am ready to recieve your help and will pay over time if this is agreeable to you. My name is Aaron and we can do skype as you wish. I am from Edmonton Canada. I wish to be the best I can be and a blessing to all I encounter and i realize good health will help me achieve this. Let me know when it is good for you and i will now get my skype account. Thank you for your kindness and goodness.
All the best,
Aaron as I have mentioned, do not let money stand between you and your health. Contact me through my e-mail please so we can get started
Love and light
I read Darko’s Manual and immediately knew that this Protocol made perfect sense to me so I contacted Darko for a consultation. I started the protocol on December 28, 2014. If I shared my last 45 days with you, you would find it difficult to believe so I will just give you a brief summary of the MAJOR happenings.
I had been on Thyroid medicine for 15 years after having my Thyroid removed due to what the medical profession called radiation poisoning. At 18 days in to my new way of living, I stopped my medicine and am in the process of growing back my Thyroid with very few side effects.
I was on a pain patch for 7 years that is 81 times stronger than Morphine. I had tried to get off the patch several times but the result was the unbearable return of the pain that I had lived with for 8 years prior to that. After doing the Celtic Sea Salt and Darko Drink for only 5 days, I removed the patch. I experienced no drug withdrawals and was PAIN FREE for the first time in 15 years.
I was also on blood pressure medicine for about 5 years. I stopped that the very first day and stopped smoking and drinking coffee with no side effects. My blood pressure is perfect.
So, that is just part of this miraculous journey. As Darko says, “It is all about KNOWLEDGE” and that is what he is doing for the human race.
So, with much GRATITUDE in my heart, I say thank you, Darko and thank you, Hilno for sharing your husband with all of us.
Thank you for sharing Linda.
I was on the salt water and drink for 12 days and all i did was lose weight.Was hoping to get of my pain meds.
Betty, drinking water with sea salt is not enough.
It depends what causes the pain and if your cells are absorbing the water.
There are several reasons why cells would refuse to hydrate. One is toxins in the blood and the other is stress. Those are the two most important ones.
And Darko; Ironically the pain meds that Betty is taking might actually be what stops the cells from proper hydration and thereby true healing.
Yes Ben, there cannot be cellular hydration and cleansing if medicinal remedy of any kind is present in the blood but from experience I know that as soon as the blood hydrates and cleanses a bit, the pain subsides dramatically.
When peoples health is more compromised I suggest that they contact me and let me help them with my advice. Unfortunately many do not want to do this for what ever reason so I cannot help.
Postovani dr.Darko. Ja se zovem Slobodan Pantelic i bolujem od Akutne mijeloidne leukemije. Imao sam 2 transplatacije kostane srzi i nazalost obe neuspesne a sad sam na tretmanu alternativne medicine koja mi dosta pomaze ali opet fali malo podrske . Ja sam sasvim slucajno naisao na Vas Blog i procitao pa sam hteo da Vas pitam da li postoji mogucnost da nekako stupim sa vama u kontakt radi pomoci. Ja bih uplatio sve sto treba samo da mi posaljete broj racuna i da mi objasnite na koji nacin dq stupimo u kontakt. Ja zivim u Novom Sadu i imam 31 jos malo 32 godine? citao sam dosta o leku gc MAF koji cu uskoro dobiti ali opet jako bi voleo da sa vama popricam o svemu.Hvala Vam unapred i verujem da cemo uskoro stupiti u kontat.
Sa postovanjem Slobodan Pantelic!
Slobodane ja cu vam se javiti putem elektronske poste.
Srdacan pozdrav.
Dr. Darkovelcek, How do you handle high inherited Lp(a) and high cholesterol?
Thank you
There is no such a thing as inherited high cholesterol. We are given the wrong information in medical schools and doctors are lost. There is no such a thing as good and bad cholesterol. All cholesterol s good. Please read my book or if you suffer from high cholesterol you can make Skype meeting and I will explain the cholesterol to you and show you how simple it is to normalize its levels. Love and light
Thank you Dr. Velcek. I will be glad to do so.
Darko, Is it safe to use colloidal silver on an ongoing basis for my senior dog who has recurring bacterial infections? He eats a raw chicken diet now for 7 months. He weighs 15 lbs. and I use Argentyn 23 PPM spray What dose is safe? For how long?
Yes Brenda, it is safe to give him colloidal silver daily. Let me know what type of infections does he suffer from love.
He had cocci and pseudonomas in his ears, urine and feces and yeast in his ears. I adopted him with these problems. I tried holisitc to cure them to no avail so had to resort to Clavamox antibiotic for 2 weeks finally with success. But since they have come back in the past, I have started him on colloidal silver. Whoever had him bedore me left him untreated and his ears have hematomas. He is also in renal failure and has a severe heart murmur but he feels good and is happy and active especially now that the bacteria is cured which is why I want to avoid any future antibiotics. I give him probiotics. I appreciate your input. His teeth were terrible and the rescue vet cleaned and pulled most of them without giving him fluids which damaged his kidneys worse than they were. Sigh. Thanks, Brenda
Brenda antibiotic is very bad for his kidneys. He has to cleanse his blood so give him water with sea salt to drink daily. No other medications but the nano particle colloidal silver so that he can cleanse on the cellular level. Ad at least half of teaspoon of sea salt for each litre of water he drinks. His kidneys and his heart will recover.