Month: April 2020

Wuhan bogeyman

What we are told about virus is all a fantasy. As soon as citizens of the USA demand the freedom given to them by their constitution, everything will change. Trump and the White Heats are waiting. Give them your consent. Love and light to us all.

What is the relation between the frequency, thought, faith, symbol, manifestation, and health? Part 3

By utilizing the results of the double slit experiment, I have explained how what we call our reality is nothing more than a brain’s construct. Depending of the information that the brain receives and the programming that it has accepted, our brain will calculate the most probable outcome and it will present it to us …

What is the relation between the frequency, thought, faith, symbol, manifestation, and health? Part 3 Read More »

What is the relation between the frequency, thought, faith, symbol, manifestation, and health? Part 2

In the first article, I have explained that everything that we see as our reality is an interpretation of the received frequencies that are processed by our brain and by utilizing a program, those frequencies are being then transformed from a wave state into a state of particles and projected through our eyes as a …

What is the relation between the frequency, thought, faith, symbol, manifestation, and health? Part 2 Read More »

What is the relation between the frequency, thought, faith, symbol, manifestation, and health? Part 1

To be able to survive and prosper in this new world of ours, we have to first understand it. The more we know, the easier it will be for us to benefit and bare fruits that are available in it. We are starting a new game. This game is based on the game we have …

What is the relation between the frequency, thought, faith, symbol, manifestation, and health? Part 1 Read More »

CRORNA awakening

There is a saying in Croatia: “svako zlo za neko dobro” which would be translated “there is some good that comes out from every bad thing”. What has happened with the corona virus is a clear example of this. Under the pretenses of prevention spreading of the corona virus, everything is shut down and people …

CRORNA awakening Read More »