Month: February 2023

Can drugs rejuvenate the body?

I was sent an article named “Researchers Discover Promising ‘Young Blood’ Anti-Aging Drug”. Many people are claiming that they have found the antiaging drug. We are being told that Elon Musk’s doctor is on the verge of disclosing an anti-aging drug, and in this article, an Interleukin receptor antagonist called anakinra shows anti-aging properties. …

Can drugs rejuvenate the body? Read More »

The jab induced accelerated aging

Although the real statistics about the harm the jabs are causing are not available, even the partial disclosure shows how dangerous and lethal they are. Mostly, people are dying from blood clothing, but many suffer from fast-growing cancer, and rapidly developing so-called autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disase… Since doctors are …

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