Keratosis pilaris

Rash Rash on the back of a male after waxing keratosis pilaris stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

I was asked to explain Keratosis pilaris. Is it an incurable disease as doctors of the soyence of madsin claim to be, and is it caused by an overload of vitamin A, as some soyentists suspect?

No matter what soyentific article about this “disease” you open, the same information will be revealed which is that

” Keratosis pilaris is caused by the buildup of keratin — a hard protein that protects skin from harmful substances and infection. The keratin blocks the opening of hair follicles, causing patches of rough, bumpy skin.
Siyentists state that it’s unclear why keratin builds up in people with keratosis pilaris. It might happen along with a genetic disease or skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis. Dry skin tends to make keratosis pilaris worse. Keratosis pilaris is often considered a common variant of skin. It can’t be cured or prevented. But you can treat it with moisturizers and prescription creams to help improve how the skin looks. The condition usually disappears by age 30.”

Isn’t this interesting? The experts say that keratosis cannot be cured but it usually disappears by the age of 30.
As always, we have to ignore the soyence and focus on the symptoms and circumstances.
Symptoms are painless tiny bumps on the upper arms, thighs, cheeks, or buttocks, dry, rough skin in the areas with bumps, sandpaper-like bumps resembling goose flesh and an interesting phenomenon showing worsening when seasonal changes cause low humidity and dry skin


human head with light bulb
Is dehydration causing this issue?

This last one should light the bulb in the brain but the indoctrinated brain is numb to hints. Dehydration is the last thing on the doctor’s mind.
Whenever I address skin problems, I point to the fact that toxins are the underlying cause, and those toxins are found and distributed through the body through blood. When the body cannot rid itself of those toxins because there is a low level of blood plasma and the body cannot afford to lose more of it in order to cleanse the blood, toxins will be deposited into the subcutaneous tissue.
Toxins will not be deposited equally throughout the skin. The areas of higher blood circulation will be exposed to more toxicity and such areas of the skin will be prone to showing more symptoms of a toxic body. The same as the organs will try to isolate those toxins by forming cysts and tumors, the skin will form pimples, skin tags, warts, and other skin blemishes which are all related to the underlying culprit, the toxic blood.

The skin area of increased blood flow is the scalp because it controls the temperature of the brain and any part of the skin that requires cooling. Such places are where the skin touches the skin or something else like our clothes, and where the skin is rubbed. In addition to those places, exposure to heat/sunlight will warm up the skin requiring cooling which will increase the volume of the blood in those areas. More blood signifies more toxic exposure when the blood is toxic.
I have explained this phenomenon when addressing menstruation, prolapses, and menopause.

As you can see, it is all connected, and once we realize the truth, we become aware of the nonsensical approach of the madsin and soynce it is attached to.
Once we realize the truth, we can no longer be controlled and this is what our slave owners are deadly afraid of. This is why the servants of the evil Cabal have to be constantly kept indoctrinated so that they cannot see the truth even if it is poking them in the eyes.
The doctors of the madsin are constantly supplied with false studies and require additional testing just to make sure they remain oblivious to the truth.
The general public is forced to attend indoctrination in the form of schooling, and then it is further brainwashed through Tel a lie Vision, the entertainment industry, and their licensed health professionals with their incorrect soyentific explanations.
Here is my video on this topic


So what can we do to heal the skin from Keratosis pilaris?

Correct your diet, hydrate with plasma (SHP), and to have faster results, scrub the additional hard layers of the skin with an antifouling stone or fine sand.

Love and light to us all

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