Polyuria and nocturia

Man Hold Hand Front Private Parts Feeling Discomfort Consult Doctor — Stock Photo, Image
How many times?

As we awaken, we start noticing things we have never noticed before. One of those things is noticing my videos and articles. This is why questions like this one are being asked more frequently

“Hey I have symptoms similar to overactive bladder and nocturia, I’m not sure if I have them but I think I do. What treatments are there for them, the only things I drink are raw eggs and orange juice. I eat raw meat too but still get these symptoms”

Polyuria means excessive urine production, and nocturia implies excessive urine production occurring during the night. Are those medical conditions? According to the soyence of madsin, yes. The soyence teaches us that normal urine production should be around 2-3 liters of urine a day. Anything more than this “may” indicate you have a medical condition called polyuria.
If polyuria occurs during the night, you have another medical condition called nocturia. You may not notice any polyuria during the day, but you may have to get up twice during the night to urinate so you have a case of nocturia on your hands.

According to the soyence of madsin, everyone following the SHP is sick with polyuria and nocturia. So, this is another reason why not to follow the SHP.

Caucasian Man Hand Holding His Crotch Showing Stop Gesture — Stock Photo, Image
I don’t want to be sick

According to the alternative soyence of urine therapy, urine is the elixir of life. Urine is the most precious and healthy liquid there is. I wonder, why are we designed to eliminate this precious liquid out of the body even in the situation of extreme dehydration? Obviously, something is wrong there. Either the soyentists are wrong, or the Creator made a huge mistake designing the body. Which one do you think it is? I bet the design is good and the soyence we have created is flawed.

When we mention to our doctor that we have a tremendous thirst and we urinate a lot, the first thing he/she will do is to test us for diabetes because a surplus of blood glucose will be eliminated through urination. The urine will be sweet. The body will require more water which will trigger thirst and use this water to flush the excess of blood glucose out of the body using urine.
If we do not provide enough water, our stool becomes hard and we go into constipation.
Constipation and hard stool are symptoms of dehydrated blood. Most elderly suffer from it. At the same time, those same elderly also suffer from polycythemia (to many blood cells in the blood/dehydrated blood). But when those people drink their morning coffee, all of a sudden they have the urge to urinate and defecate, why?

Elderly couple drinking coffee together on the sofa at home Elderly couple drinking coffee together on the sofa at home coffee drink stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Because coffee is very toxic and triggers the body into a cleansing. The cleansing involves the kidneys and the mucous tissue. The end result is the production of toxic urine, and toxic mucus which softens the excrement allowing defecation. Without the morning coffee, those people cannot go to the bathroom.

If people do not change their habits, in time even coffee will not help because there simply will not be enough blood plasma and this is when the “autoimmune disease called Lupus “ appears.

It is amazing how self-evident things are and how difficult it is for an indoctrinated mind to see them. The most important thing in our body is plasma and no health professional pays any attention to it. Water and sea salt create plasma which is the elixir of life. Our body is made of it. The entire Universe is made of plasma and we neglect to acknowledge it because of our indoctrination made of fake science I call soyence.

As we are awakening, we grab bits of this soyence and create conclusions based on the combination of truth and soyence mixed together. This is how more soyence is created. Just listen to this soyentist


Many times I have pointed to the fact that a partial understanding of things is more misleading than not knowing anything about it. As people are opening their eyes, they jump on every piece of information and mold it to their satisfaction. Pick and choose what will support your theory and ignore the rest. This is creating more confusion. No wonder everyone is confused.

This is why going quantum clears a lot of this confusion but for this, one has to be awakened already because the truth is stranger than fiction.

Here is my video on the topic of nocturia to further clarify this natural process of cleansing.

Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/V4SfbNHzkB1G

The final meltdown of the old system is in progress. Finally, the end is here and from the ashes, the new consciousness will evolve.
What an incredible time we live in.

Love and light to us all

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