
Painful red inflammation on toe called covid toe lesions strange sign of new coronavirus symptoms or infections — Stock Photo, Image

I have addressed this issue when I was explaining the mechanism of a variety of skin problems not knowing that there has actually a symbol of disease attached to it.
I have mentioned that some people experience swelling of their fingers or toes, and itchiness that sometimes turns into pain. It is a very uncomfortable experience that may be reoccurring and turn into a chronic issue.
A couple of days ago, one friend contacted me with this issue asking me to help so I decided to make an article explaining this issue and what to do if it pops up.

Again, I went to see what the experts of madsin have to say about it. states “Chilblains are not a serious condition and usually there are no long-term effects.
Chilblains are itchy, swollen and painful lumps or patches of skin on your fingers and toes, which form due to cold.
They usually heal in 1 to 3 weeks but can come back when exposed to cold.
Wear warm clothes, especially gloves and socks to prevent or improve chilblains.
Chilblains will usually improve with warmer weather.”

Chilblains Disease Written Wooden Surface Wood Medicine Concept White Background — Stock Photo, Image

Obviously, all of this is incorrect because my wife and I have experienced it and we live in the Amazon jungle of Peru. There is definitely no cold involved so the symbol/ name does not correctly describe the issue. I had it several times and even during this last cleansing episode, the chilblains occurred again on my fingers.

Chilblains would more accurately describe cold frost on feet and hands when exposed to a very cold weather for an extended period of time. This used to happen to me when as a child I would go ice-skating. Tightly tied ice-skates would interfere with the blood circulation and I would get ice-frosted toes. Then at night, as I was taking off the ice-skates, the pain occurred as the blood was starting to circulate and this was extremely painful, but what the soyence is calling the symptoms of chilblains has nothing in common with frosted feet.
No wonder doctors do not know the culprit or anything about how to handle this situation and symptomatic treatment of suppressing the inflammation with steroid creams becomes their answer. Sometimes doctors go further by poisoning their patients with antibiotics just in case some infection develops.

I do not want to waste your and my time to post what the soyence says about it. If you are interested, open any medical site and read about it. They all share the same nonsensical script.

Free Doctor Patient photo and picture
Statistically, doctors have the shortest lifespan of only 65 years on average.

Here is the truth.
Hands and feet are well vascularized. A lot of blood flows through them since we use them a lot. When our blood is toxic and unable to detoxify because of the low level of blood plasma, many toxins will be deposited in the subcutaneous tissue. This means that the skin of the feet and hands will become more toxic than the skin of other parts of the body. This becomes problematic to the cells of the local tissue which will include the local blood vessels. They become dehydrated, acidic, and brittle, the capillary volume will reduce and water retention will likely occur.
The body will try to resolve the situation by triggering forced hydration/inflammation which will result in itchiness and redness. Since cold reduces the blood flow in our extremities due to heat preservation, it triggers inflammation even if the toxic levels and damages caused by those accumulated toxins are not as high to trigger this reaction when the weather is warm. This is why chilblains occur more frequently in cold weather but the temperature is not the cause, toxic blood and toxic tissue are.
Another proof that this is a toxic problem is the thickening of the skin of the affected area as the dehydrated and acidic skin cells will be rapidly replaced by new ones which will become rapidly toxic as well so the layers of the dead cells increase making the skin thicker. It will peel off once the area cleanses a bit.

skin damage on hands from washing with soap damaged hands from extensive washing dermatitis hand stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Often, during the detox, people can experience chilblains as one of the cleansing symptoms so what can we do about the discomfort the itchiness brings?

By exposing the affected skin to high heat, we force the cells into a self-preservation mode. This will stop the inflammation and the itchiness will disappear. The high heat will also transform some toxins, it will increase the blood circulation and force some toxins out like if a sauna was implemented.

Sometimes I heat up water and place my palms and fingers into the hot water. The itchiness first increases to the level of pain and then it goes away. Within one minute as I pull my hands out, the itchiness is gone completely.
Sometimes I do not want to waste time heating up the water so I just hold the itchy parts as close to an open fire as possible (over the stove) and the same effect occurs.
You may have to repeat this once or twice and that’s all.
The main thing is to do a complete cleanse of your body so follow the SHP and when necessary use the symptomatic heat treatment to ease your discomfort.

A right hand of a woman with eczema on it  The problem with many people - eczema on hand. Isolated background dermatitis hand stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

By the way, I am receiving more and more testimonials of people having similar symptoms of cleansing I experienced with the yellow acid in diarrhea burning their toosh.
Yesterday I was shown the frequency of the >Schuman resonance being wild and triggering cleansing symptoms in people. This is the reason we are going through this stuff now.
After cleansing for several days, you can slow the cleanse by drinking a glass of plasma with lime juice. The lime will act on the liver and the gallbladder stopping the acid production and symptoms will vanish. Please allow at least a few days of detox before reaching for the lime juice.

Love and light to us all.

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