I have mentioned the name Bryan Ardis many times in connection with vaccines and animal venoms producing organelles they contain. The information he provides is essential so here is an interview where he explains many things of importance.
Since Bryan’s approach is based on soyence, I will give a spin to some of the information explaining it on the quantum level because not everything is the way Dr. Ardis explains, although, positive results occur.
What does it mean “a positive result?”
A positive result means the absence of symptoms we attribute to poor health. Since many of such symptoms are related to hydration and cleansing which are symptoms of natural healing, the disappearance of such symptoms does not necessarily represent a healing process, instead, it represents only a calming or curing effect. This means that in the future there will be another attempt of the body to detoxify itself showing the same or similar symptoms that were suppressed before.
Dr. Ardis points to the poisoning effects of the so-called medicinal remedy Vancomycin, a toxic antibiotic commonly used to poison people with digestive problems. This poison was known to be toxic and cause water retention but not as Dr. Ardis says by poisoning kidneys, but by increasing drastically the toxic load of the blood and tissues. Since the body cannot get rid of it fast enough, it deposits it into a tissue causing water retention. This kind of treatment for the nonexistent COVID-19 virus became a model for causing deaths blamed on some plandemic only the drug Vancomycin was substituted with the much more toxic drug Remdesivir which is known to kill people.
Vancomycin is toxic enough to increase the blood toxicity level of already very toxic people (elderly with high levels of toxicity that show symptoms of chronic health problems) sufficient to cause severe water retention and death. In younger or less toxic people, Vancomycin is not toxic enough to do this so Vancomycin was replaced with extremely toxic Remdesivir to do the job.
Many people have been killed with it worldwide, wherever the WHO has access. Bryan has been exposing this from the start.
He points to how his father was misdiagnosed as having inflamed lungs while he had water retention in his lungs. Completely two different things and instead of using the easily understandable language of inflammation and water retention, symbols of “disease” were used such as Pneumonia, and acute kidney failure.
He explains his father tested negative for the flu virus which is absurd because no test for virus exists since viruses do not exist, but this is the soyence he has to use so people understand.
Dr. Ardis continues referring to viruses as having spike proteins which are venoms of venomous animals predominantly the cobra. This is correct with the exception, that there is no virus. Through a process called a Gain of function, in the laboratory, organelles of venomous animals that produce venom were trained to survive in the bodies of other animals and produce venom.
To test their product, they would infect animals, and hoopla, rabies was born.
The same is the reason for Lime disease, HIV, Herpes, Syphilis…
Why do we have to vaccinate our dogs against rabies every 2-3 years? Because the body will cleanse the toxin and stop defending itself from nonexistent threats and the “immunity”/adaptation to the toxin, would be lost. The dog has to be constantly infected by a mild poison to stay closed to a stronger version of it if bitten by a rabid animal that is carrying the bioweapon.
Dr. Ardis explains that snake venom bonds to nicotine receptors so if you take nicotine, the snake venom cannot affect you since the receptors are already blocked by nicotine.
Further, he explains that the deworming medicinal remedy Ivermectin also binds to the nicotine receptors and prevents venom from acting.
This may give us the wrong opinion about nicotine as being a healthy stuff thinking if our cells have nicotine receptors we benefit from nicotine.
Not exactly. It all depends on what other frequencies are in the product nicotine comes with.
In the body “nicotine” receptors are programmed to be sensitive to niacin (vitamin B3, nicotinic acid). Since nicotine in plants resonates the same as nicotinic acid in our body, the receptor becomes excited by them but since there are the frequencies of the product incorporated, it only blocks the cell from responding to such frequency.
The snake poison, since it is a product of an animal, does vibrate in one of its frequencies exactly as nicotinic acid and it transfers the vibration into the cell opening it to the venom which contains other toxic frequencies that cause harm to those cells.
When the receptor is affected by plant-based nicotine it keeps the receptor busy and opened for other frequencies of the plant which are not nearly as toxic as the snake venom and the snake venom cannot enter because the receptor is already occupied by the plant.
Now you understand why taking plant-based nicotine is causing problems in our bodies. The effect is not noticeable unless the exposure is constant for a prolonged period of time and causes cellular dehydration and cellular problems related to the specific frequencies of the plant.
Let me explain better how this works using music as an example.
Everything that exists in our reality is just an interpretation of a frequency through a program that designates attributes to this frequency. For example, an apple is a manifestation of a certain frequency but it consists of many things that have their frequencies like the skin, the seeds, the meat of the apple, the color, the taste… Together they produce an encompassing frequency that represents the fruit.
It is like the sound of a note C in music. You can have a single frequency of the C tone, or you can have a chord C that contains different frequencies/different tones or notes but when played together the sound will vibrate with the tone C.
For example, a C major chord contains notes C, E, and G. Played together they produce a sound like a C note but it is much fuller.
C, E, and G notes are of different frequencies but when correctly tuned when produced simultaneously the overall sound will be the one of a C note. More notes can be incorporated maintaining the C sound and making it fuller.
One of those notes/frequencies will act on the receptor of a cell, and the other will be also absorbed and depending on the structure of individual frequencies, cause a programmed effect on the cell.
Now you can better understand how frequencies work, and why the frequency of plants is different from the frequencies of animals, and also how it is possible that the same frequency can be good and bad. It all depends on what other notes/frequencies are encompassed within the same tone/frequency.
This interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis is an eye-opener and you should definitely watch it.
Disclosure is accelerating.
Love and light to us all.