The benefits of semen retention

Many times, I have been asked my opinion on semen retention.
Is it beneficial, will it make us healthier, will it extend our lives?

Some religions promote celibacy, some promote holding semen
during orgasm and all of them dismiss the purpose and the beauty of intercourse and creation of a new life going as far as calling it a sin.

We are being lied to on every level, and what we are told has an agenda behind it. The ultimate agenda is control and manipulation/ enslavement of people.

Catholic church promotes celibacy as a commitment to the holy spirit and purity in front of God. Priests and nuns do not merry, and under churches, cathedrals, and monasteries, are untold graves of babies. I wonder, where did those babies come from?

Celibacy Cartoons and Comics - funny ...

I have seen this in Croatia, and I am sure that it is the same in the rest of the world, young women flock to the church and frequently have communions resulting in children resembling the priest more than their father.

Some gurus in India claim that orgasm draws a lot of energy and we have a certain energetic pool available. The more we indulge in the pleasure of the flesh, the shorter lives we will have.

On the other side, there are practices utilizing orgasm to achieve the state of nirvana. When you feel the orgasm starting, take a deep breath, and as the orgasm travels to the brain, squeeze your muscles, create pressure in the head, and force the prana energy to go back to the groin area. As the prana goes back release the pressure and allow it to repeat its ascend.

You can do it three times and experience three orgasms and after the third one, relax and exhale and you will feel the prana going into your legs and your feet start trembling.

Celibacy Cartoons and Comics - funny ...

Experiencing this you wonder, is orgasm robbing you of
energy or is it energizing you?

Soyentiffic debates dissect the biology of procreation saying that the sperm takes a lot of energy and nutrients to make and by saving it (not ejaculating) we prolong our lives. If this is the case, what about women?

The same as the female body constantly produces eggs and eliminates them each month if not fertile, male testicles produce sperm and eliminate it either through an involuntary ejaculation (usually during sleep) or self-absorb it to make room for the new.

The process of self-absorption of the semen regularly occurs
in men with vasectomies.

Vasectomies For Beginners by Noah Baird ...

The “experts” claim that self-absorbed semen serves as the
nutrition base for the energetic processes in the body and this extends the
life of those who do not waste their semen.

This is incorrect because specific amino acids are used for
semen creation and the body regularly produces them. Recycling creates a
surplus that the body has to eliminate. More energy is used for the elimination
than for the creation simply because the elimination could have been avoided through
ejaculation. Ejaculation is a natural process created by our creator/soul/God.

Here is a video I’ve received to comment on concerning this

None of those abstaining or limiting their sexual activity
r suppressing the ejaculation show any signs of healthier, more vibrant, and
emotionally stable individuals. Actually, I bet you that we can encounter more
freaks and twisted minds in this group of people. A Hell behind the facade of Heaven.

When observing nature, we will notice that animals with internal testicles like penguins and other birds are predominantly monogamous (have only one partner for life), and animals with external testicles like cats, dogs, and other mammals are polygamous (have more than one partner). The sperm requires cooling especially if it has to be stored and readily available.
The body heat would require constant sperm production which would drain the
animal so the sperm is stored externally where cooling is easier achieved and
the sperm production can be halted.

Man has external testicles, do I have to say more?

If avoiding sexual activities and retaining sperm would be healthy and contribute to longevity, how do we explain that the longest-living man, Li Ching Yuen, happened to live 256 years (some claim only 197 years), while having been married 24 times, buried 23 of his wives and the 24th was 60 years old when he died. He had 180 children covering 11 generations throughout his life.

Obviously, he was not abstaining from sex nor was he
retaining his semen.

It is time we take our power back. Stop believing what we are served. Start observing and thinking. We have to use our brains for more than memorizing and repeating.

It is good to be alive at this time of awakening. Finally, the truth has light shining at it for everyone to see, and what will be revealed will shock everyone.

Before we can absorb and comprehend the truth, we have to be
willing to open our minds to new information. Are you ready to do this?

I know that my readers and followers of my work are more than ready and eager for this essential part of our metamorphosis and to ascend to the fifth-density of existence.


Love and light to us all

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