Hydration tips


Often we are being told by our health gurus to drink more liquids.
Liquid can be just about anything that has water in it and many people then drink more tea, juices, or water not realizing the need for minerals.

Everyone that has read some of my articles or watched several videos knows that what we need is a specific liquid that we refer to as plasma.

The best plasma to drink is sea plasma. This is diluted seawater in the ratio of 3×1 or 4×1.
This means for each cup of seawater, 3 or 4 cups of distilled water is added to dilute it.

This is very salty and since we are in a need of a deep cellular detox, this means that we will be drinking plasma for months and even years to come so we can dilute the seawater further if we want but it is important that the plasma we drink feels salty.

Since not every one of us has the luxury of living near a Sea, it is more practical to use freshly harvested sea salt, and mix it with water in the ratio of one teaspoon for each liter of water.
We have to find sea salt that was not bleached, not iodized, and not processed in any way, just grounded.

Certification for sustainable sea salt production ...

Such salt is slightly grayish, and less salty than table salt because of its high mineral content.
Some sea salt from the tropics can be pinkish in color because of a high concentration of carotenes from algae and shrimp that eats them. Their remains are then mixed with the sand and found in not refined natural sea salt.

Sea salt production company.Extraction and marketing | Infosa

If the sea salt is darker gray or any other color, this is from the sediment of the soil where it is harvested and it normally does not create any problem, but some people have been complaining that the Atlantic Celtic sea salt was so dirty that it was leaving a sludge on the bottom of the glass and made them feel nauseous when they drunk it.

Natural Traditional Sea Salt Extraction BY Evaporation ...

So if you are using the Celtic sea salt, be aware of this, It looks like it is being intentionally mixed with either a bad rock salt or made dirty to be more colorful since many “experts” on the Internet claim that colorful salts are of a better quality, which is pure nonsense.

Once we drink mineralized ionic water/plasma, we can rapidly increase the plasma levels of our blood. This increases the blood’s volume and makes our blood thinner, less viscous.
Such blood resembles the blood of a child.

Since plasma contains about 80 minerals of which some we may be getting in excess, the blood cleansing organs start eliminating them and by doing so, all other unwanted toxic garbage becomes released out of the blood.

We call this process cleansing.

Since plasma contains many important minerals in small percentages like mono-atomic gold, silver, iridium, rhodium… the more plasma we drink, the more of those extremely electro-conductive minerals we receive which increases the electro-conductivity of our blood, and we, in general, feel more energetic with a clear mind.
Our Pineal gland works better and we start having vivid dreams.

Since those minerals are in crystalline form, they hold specific vibration which influences our cells and especially the electromagnetic imprints of the emotional experience we have been through, to come to our attention.
This allows us to acknowledge and release them which is a big part of the necessary detox we are going through now as we are exposed to very high frequencies.

Since our gut is where all the emotional organs are located such as are the liver, spleen, and pancreas, many people start feeling closed, bloated, and retaining toxic liquid during the cleansing process.


Several times I was asked to explain what toxins am I talking about when they cannot be seen during blood lab-test.

Not every frequency is being presented in our physical reality through light. Some we experience through our senses of touch, smell, and taste.
This is why during the detox our sweat will stink and so will our breath and stool.
We cannot see the stench, but we can smell it for sure.

During an emotional release, we often produce gas. We may be burping a lot or feel bloated. This is a sign of another type of vibration being released out from our body and it is also related to stress.

When we feel bloated, our response is not to drink. This is not a good thing because we need the plasma so that our body/robot can be cleansed.

We can ease this process by transforming those frequencies, and one specific frequency of sacred geometry of oxygen is the most potent element of transformation.
Oxygenation is the most powerful transformation tool that eases the elimination of toxic frequencies through transformation, yet we are being duped into taking antioxidants, are you surprised?


Now you understand why all we hear is antioxidant this and that, so people develop a natural fear of oxygen in the body. When chlorine dioxide is mentioned, doctors attack it not realizing that this increases the relative pressure of oxygen in the body and causes energetic/vibratory transformation/detox.

When we try to ozonate seawater, a strong smell of chlorine starts to form because the process of creating chlorine dioxide has occurred.

Drinking ozonated water is very helpful during the detox process and to avoid the chlorine smell, we can ozonate water and put sea salt in it afterward, or drink it separately in addition to the required plasma daily intake.

Now you understand why MMS, chlorine dioxide, food-grade hydrogen peroxide are helpful to those with the flu/covid.
Since the flu is nothing more than symptoms toxic blood and its detox, oxygenation transforms many of the toxins making them easier to eliminate.

World of an Indian cartoonist!: Chlorine leak in Mumbai!

The geometric structure of carbon is a part of every living thing. We have plenty of it in fat and carbohydrate. As long as we eat correctly, our cells cannot overproduce carbon because fat can be converted into energy only in the presence of oxygen.
No oxygen, no production of energy, no release of carbon.

This changes when we force our cells to use glucose for energy production because glucose has enough oxygen to run the Krebs cycle. Plenty of CO2 becomes produced which increases the relative pressure of CO2 in the cell and it becomes more difficult to be displaced by oxygen.
The cells become acidic.

Wearing mouth covering prevents proper oxygenation since we re-inhale CO2 which makes our blood saturated with CO2/acidic.
We were told to use masks and double masks not to protect ourselves from not existing viruses, but to poison ourselves with CO2.
This is why they did not care what is the mask made of. No matter the material, the oxygenation process will be interfered with resulting in toxic blood.

Toxic blood affects every cell in our body. Since it will affect our brain, people become depressed and suicidal. Easily convinced to take a depopulation jab.


Drink plasma and help your body to detoxify itself. If you have difficulties, oxygenate your blood. It will make the detox easier.

We are in the last stage of liberation which is the most difficult. Do not give in to the fear.
I see Mike Adams’s article Nuclear attack is imminent.
Do not pay any attention to such fearmongering. There will be no nuclear war. It is the final takedown of the evil/Cabal/deep state.

Love and light to us all.

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