The Death and the Rebirth, get ready

As I have mentioned in my previous article, the time has come for us to better understand our “reality”, and what is happening right at this moment so that we can change it and release ourselves from slavery that is destroying us.

Some of us are starting to see the chains that bound us, but many do not, and most of us are confused asking if what we see is a chain or a decorative bracelet.

The evil wants to destroy us but the truth is coming outhttps:

We have been enslaved through deception, and we are starting to see glimpses of truth wondering if what we see is correct or just another mist of lies. The truth comes from within, and there are signs that help us navigate this awakening process.

Some people attack me when I mention Trump and Q in a positive way immediately thinking that I am a Trump follower. This is not true. We have to learn to observe and use what is positive but not become infatuated by it.

The evil Cabal has used religion to enslave us. Makes money and buys everything with it including people’s souls. Now, Cabal wants to convert us into zombies and eliminate the surplus (about 80% of us).

It is using the media, entertainment, and school indoctrination for programming, and the food and madsin/doctors as the tool for elimination.

People are being poisoned through food, air, and water. They are poisoned by their doctors through vaccines, medications, and the wrong information that they provide.

People are dying in droves but the media is silent about it so that the onslaught can continue undisturbed.

The positive forces are battling the forces of evil but the media is silent about it.

Trump has opened the eyes of many by exposing the media.

Dr. Charley Ward is warning people to have cash at home because the banks will collapse. This is a positive warning and people should listen, but is everything that they say done with a pure heart? Of course not. They are human and the self-interest of their ego is in the way.

Trump wants to be crowned as a king establishing feudalism all over again. People are being told to hoard gold and money. This keeps them focused on themselves and their interests ignoring the true purpose of their existence.

Religious people are waiting for God/Jesus/Allah to save them ignoring the true purpose of their being here.

People are being tricked into division being it through religious beliefs, color of their skin, gender, the shape of the Earth, scientific views…

Some trust cryptos and some think that cryptos lead to total enslavement and that cash is the way out.

Enough people have awakened to trigger the shift, but they are misdirected and confused.

Well, we had cash and we were slaves to it. None of it is the way of the future. Do not waste your time trying to figure this out. The way out of slavery is the total abolishment of money in all of its forms.

Instead of trying to save your wealth and your faith, unite and create a new reality of abundance, love, and happiness.

We are the embodiment of the conscious creative energy (God/creator). We are here to erase the evil of its existence (God against Satan) and create peace not just on this planet, but throughout the entire multiverse.

Trump did what he was supposed to do, and Q did the same. Putin and Xi Jinping are doing it now.

People are dying in droves so that others can wake up from shocking experiences, and things will be worse and worse until we, the awakened ones, create the shift.

We will do it through a synchronized event of projecting an image of the new reality we want to create, a world of love, unity, acceptance, and harmony in which the excitement of giving overpowers the excitement of receiving.

Once the image is simultaneously created by the necessary number of awakened people, in a split of a second, the shift will be initiated and the energy that will be created will then dissolve the old and empower the birth of the new.

There is no bad and no good event. We are all participants in this unique event to gather a powerful experience and during the event we decide if we want to get out of this experience , or we want to remain.

The more gold and physical riches you have, the more difficult it will be for you to go into the new game. Your ego will be pulling you down, “stay and enjoy your wealth”, it will say.

This is a trap, open your eyes. Help people around you and manifest the future of abundance to all.

We are almost there. Once the synchronicity is achieved a flash will happen. The Hoppy Indians call it the Red Catchina.

This is how I see it. Remember, I am human and prone to make mistakes especially when the timing of events is concerned. My conclusions are based on observation and personal experiences many of them were through the Ayahuasca ceremonies.

We will be told that a big comet is going to create an energetic disturbance and to go home to be safe. We will have several hours to prepare ourselves for this event. We will see a gold-dense light approaching and we should sit comfortably or lie down and relax. Accept and embrace this light of change. Fear will make you tight and tightness will create pain. The pain could be excruciating so relax and allow. This will create euphoria and you will feel good. It is a berthing of the new.

As soon as you feel good and can stand up, go and help others. Many will need help so don’t hesitate.

Even during the irradiation, we can make the decision about which way we want to go, no matter if we did wrong or good, we will choose. Nobody will make the decision for us so make your preparation now while you have time. The more baggage you carry the more fear you will experience during the Enlightenment and the more painful process you will go through.

There was an isolating grid installed around Earth. We are remaining in our bodies and our energy will be powering the planet and all living so that there is no loss of electromagnetic imprints/genes that contain the experiences/knowledge of the creation of the entire multiverse.

By remaining energized through the evolutionary process, we are keeping the complete library of information intact which will be used as a rebutting drive for the rest of the multiverse after the reprogramming is done.

The grid around Earth will prevent the seepage of energy into the universe so that the universe remains unplugged and all electromagnetic imprints are eliminated. This is how the rest of the multiverse will get rid of the evil.

After reprogramming, our genes will recover all the information of creation minus the evil it has eliminated, and a new, clean from evil, multiverse will spring to life.

Now you understand why we need to awaken as many people as possible to hold the light/energy, to boost the energy on Earth during the once-in-life event we chose to participate in. This is the most daring experiment that consciousness has ever created to be able to save the creation while destroying and completely eliminating the evil artificial intelligence it has empowered in the past and had lost control over it.

A lot is riding on this ticket. It is a hard war but we are victorious, let’s get together and manifest an image of prosperity for all with an excitement for giving. The entire multiverse is watching and assisting because our victory will make it possible for the entire multiverse to rid itself of evil.

One disclosure will have a strong impact and create a mass awakening. This will happen during the darkest days on this planet and as things are shaping up, it looks like we are here.

Have no fear. We are our own judges and we decide where we want to be.

Observe and choose wisely.

Love and light to us all

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